The third novel of the galaxy-spanning Sun Eater series merges the best of space opera and epic fantasy, as Hadrian Marlowe continues down a path that can only end in fire. Hadrian and his Red Company have been serving the Empire in military engagements against the Cielcin, the vicious alien civilisation bent on humanity's destruction. And they've been successful: a cult-like fervour building around following a particularly impressive victory. but popularity comes as a price: an assassination attempt, triggered by those within the Imperial government who are scared of his rise to prominence. Now the Empire has turned dangerous, Hadrian and his crew leave to pursue his true interest: a search for a long-rumoured connection between the first Emperor and the Quiet, the ancient, seemingly long-dead race. And he will find the next key to unlocking their secrets in a massive library on a distant world. The coordinates for their origin planet. A planet that no longer holds life, but ...
La obra enciclopédica emblemática de Larousse, con más de un siglo de historia, ofrece una gran cantidad de información, con su clásica diferenciación en dos secciones:
UN DICCIONARIO DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA: 57 000 palabras y sus significados. Locuciones y expresiones. Etimologías. Conjugaciones verbales. Notas de uso.
UN DICCIONARIO ENCICLÓPEDICO: 28 000 nombres propios: personajes, lugares, acontecimientos. Desarrollos enciclopédicos. Cuadros sinópticos.
Además, está enriquecido con más de 5 000 imágenes y 6 dossieres visuales:
1. La medida del tiempo
2. El lenguaje, la escritura y las lenguas
3. Fauna y flora
4. Las fiestas y el hombre
5. Las autonomías de España
6. El patrimonio mundial
Incluye un acceso gratuito a la versión online, actualizada permanentemente.
Product details
- Book | 1920 pages
- 150 x 230 x 70mm | 2,035g
- 20 Jun 2019
- Larousse
- Spain
- Spanish
- edición
- 9788417720346
- 3,907,224
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